SM_Tiger :
SM_Tiger :
SM_Tiger :
Hi , recently i bought a hp laptop. When installing windows i realized there is a partition called '' HPDOCS" and it has 7.8 gb. Is it useful at something ? Should i delete it?
Well, what's in it?
Sounds like HP documentation.
I have no idea man. When i try to boot from it it displays the HP Logo and then it fails and the screen keeps blinking the logo
"boot from it"
Booting from what? That partition? Pretty sure that won't work.
it should because when i turn on the laptop without a usb stick / dvd containing windows i got 2 options : boot from : a)Free Dos b) HPDocs
You bought an HP laptop, with only a FreeDOS OS.
The drive has two partitions...FreeDOS (your 'OS') and HPDOCS (presumably some documentation)
It won't boot from that HPDOCS partition. There is no OS there.