Should I delete?

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Feb 24, 2024
Hi there, I have a somewhat trivial yet intriguing question to pose, and I appreciate your patience with me. Should I choose to deactivate or permanently delete my account, will all of my previous posts, responses, and accolades also be removed, or will they remain accessible to other members of the forum? Is it possible for a user to permanently erase their account on their own? Additionally, what message will appear in place of my username—will it indicate that the account has been deactivated, or will it display something else? I'd like to clarify that I'm hoping to avoid having "Banned" appear next to my name. Thank you for your understanding.

Rogue Leader

It's a trap!
To answer your question in steps:

Deactivating your account - You can do this yourself at any time. Your name turns gray with a line through it but remains, you can reactivate your account and pick up where you left off at any time.

Account deletion - you need to request that directly from us, your account itself will be deleted but your posts remain. Your avatar is gone and username is anonymized.

Banned - we have rules, if you break the rules enough, you end up banned. As long as you behave on the forum this is something not to worry about.

Moderator actions aren't up for discussion so I'm going to close this thread before it goes anywhere. Any additional questions please feel free to private message me.
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