Should I do anything with BIOS settings after upgrading cpu?


Aug 23, 2017
Hi! So I just upgraded my cpu from pentium g640 to i3-3250, after changing the chips the computer booted up but my disk started making weird clicks like every 30 sec and was at 100% and i was really worried that something was not right but after like 10 min of that, it stopped and went back to 0% so I think everything should be fine, tried playng games and all was good got a lot better fps.

So was all that normal or should i do something with BIOS or something else?
You should not need to do anything in BIOS after simply swapping CPUs if it booted directly to the desktop. Some systems will present a screen informing you that you need to enter BIOS due to a change in hdwr. at the first boot You would then simply save the settings presented and exit to the desktop. And I can think of no reason swapping CPUs would affect the HDD.
You should not need to do anything in BIOS after simply swapping CPUs if it booted directly to the desktop. Some systems will present a screen informing you that you need to enter BIOS due to a change in hdwr. at the first boot You would then simply save the settings presented and exit to the desktop. And I can think of no reason swapping CPUs would affect the HDD.

Okay thanks! I think the reason why the HDD was at 100% was becasue it was installing drivers for the CPU, task manager showed Driver Installation Module as the program that took the most HDD but I dont understand why it started making does clicks. Does that make sense?


Well.... listen for those 'clicks' in the future as you use the drive. If they happen often, it may be time to replace the drive. The infamous 'click of death' usually starts that way. The read/write head has trouble syncing itself to the tracks and bangs its head(s) against the stop to reset itself. Better be sure to make a disk image of the system soon just in case. You may need it to restore to a new drive before long.