Should I enable or disable Windows Fast Startup?

What those do is load info into the ram as cache. If you ever look at a more in depth ram usage like in resource monitor, you should see most of your ram should always have something in it for best performance. There's a difference between used and cached ram. No matter if you have a ssd or hdd, those files are already in ram if they were fetched. Turning it off and you are waiting on a ssd speed instead of ram speed.
Disable fast startup if you change hardware frequently. Changing hard drives or USB devices and the such. If you have a laptop it's generally OK to have fast boot enabled.

What it does is take note of the hardware devices installed and on next boot it will assume those same devices are still installed so it doesn't need to ask each device if it's there. Additionally some motherboards will disable their splash screen and wait times for key presses to get into modes like BIOS/UEFI and Boot devices.

I know RAM is a lot of faster, but based on what I read is that SuperFetch and Prefetch is needed for HDD and not for an SSD.
What those do is load info into the ram as cache. If you ever look at a more in depth ram usage like in resource monitor, you should see most of your ram should always have something in it for best performance. There's a difference between used and cached ram. No matter if you have a ssd or hdd, those files are already in ram if they were fetched. Turning it off and you are waiting on a ssd speed instead of ram speed.