Should I expect HDD damage after this ?


Jul 25, 2015
Hi guys,

I'm having a small NCASE M1 with a HDD and an SDD.
My damn video board is ... going to be returned. Gigabyte R9 390X.

From the very beginning I monitored and helped it with a SpeedFan. I observed it was way too idle to leave the fan work on its own. Monitored like a maniac.
Played ESO on Ultra High. When it touched 85 degrees (celsius) I still set the fans to about 60-70%. I thought the heat was going to top, but when I checked like 10-15 minutes later the board was 95 degrees and the HDD (WD Black 4TB) was at 65! SDD was... cooler, like below 60.

I solved the issue immediately, temps went down. But I could barely move the case as it was extremely hot (damn 390X had the exhaust exactly below the HDD). Immediately moved the computer on an upside-down chair to make room for air to enter from below and temperatures went down in 1-2 minutes. Next day I removed panels. Needless to say, the board needed MSI Afterburner as an external fan speed controller.

Should I expect HDD damage after this adventure ?
Hey there, fxeconomist!

I'd follow @hang-the-9's link and test your WD Black with WD's Data LifeGuard Diagnostics for Windows. Running the QUICK and EXTENDED tests will help us determine the health and most importantly the SMART status, so that we find out if there are any consequences on the HDD.
However, if you have any essential data stored on the WD Black it's always best to keep regular backups on a storage device off-site. This is the best way to prevent the headaches of data loss.

Good luck & keep us posted! :)
Thank you guys, will keep you prompted! Unfortunately I can't connect the computer anymore to the monitor, as I am returning both the 390X and the crappy HDMI-HDMI cable which gives lots of red pixels. Will take a few days until I get it sorted.

The pixel issue should not be coming from the HDMI cable but likely the video card due to overheating.

I've investigated about it here and found to be the cable. I tried it in the first day when the 390X arrived and it had a few red pixels. However I could not install Windows while having it. The screen was going black and back on. My LG 24MT46D was telling me that the signal was going off. I switched to a DVI-HDMI cable and went flawless. After I unmounted the video board I connected the motherboard HDMI output with the HDMI-HDMI cable and there were the pixels back again...and a lot of them, arranged in patterns. I have no DisplayPort cable otherwise that be the choice now..

Hmm, did not check with a different cable, and I already sent this one back. Anyway 5m was too long. And it seems to match what is described here

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