Should I frame limit my games?


Nov 14, 2015
My power supply is pretty rubbish,it's 350w and it one of those china ones you get in pre-built pc

I recently got the rx460 and i can play most of my games on high with really good frames,some games even go to the 100fps+ mark.

But should I just frame limit my games to 60fps so my psu doesn't overheat,or whatnot.I'm not entirely sure how it effects my psu so an explanation would be great.

Also this psu is just temporary for about a month or two,I'm planning on buying new one then

Well, i would not touch that PSU with a 10 feet pole.... and i would expend 30-50$ to get a least a semidecent PSU to avoid any future problem.

You are at the bare minimun PSU, but the problem is the Chinese PSU.

A PSU could work a lot of times, at the maximun or even over the maximun power capacity at the cost of more heat and degradation. On a good PSU thats not really a problem because the safelty features built on the PSU but on a crap one working on almost max tolerance you are risking the system due a PSU fault that could range from a simple shutdown (the best) to a shortcircuit that break components to start a fire.

And the PSU degrade with the time and the heat, each day you have a slightly greater risk because the components are able to give less power.

You could take two steps:
- Limit the framerate as you said, the lower the fps cap you set the lower the power the gpu would draw, but on very demanding titles you are already under a decent cap, an rx460 is unable to give 50+ fps at demanding games at max.
- Undeclock and undervolt the GPU, you lower the power requeriment and also lower the performance of the card, the best is that it allways work, the worst is that in demaning games that your card is already fighting to give playable performance you get even worse fps.

Anyway my advice is to replace that PSU asap.


Yeah I think I will frame limit my games
btw what power supply should I buy

my price range would be £30 -£55

And I'm fine with 400watts

i've been suggested
corsair cx450
and corsair cx450m

Corsair have a huge diference between the low tier PSUs (CX and CS) and the rest of the PSU line, while the high end tier are nice ones with the low tier ones cut some corners (for example secondary side capacitors and components in general) that make them not very great.

If they are not a great diference aim for a RMi or a RMx, the diference in quality is notable.

But for a budget PSU they are just good enought, just maybe give them a greater margin than on other psu like EVGA or SeaSonic


Corsair CX450M is decent for most systems. It's a refreshed model based on Seasonic's S12II platform. I'd only look for better ones if higher load was involved.