Should I Get a Desktop?


Dec 25, 2014
I already have a nice laptop (MacBook Air 13 Inch) that I purchased around 4-5 years ago. I am about to enter high school and I don't really see any reason to get a desktop if it's going to never be used since I'm in school all the time. I will use my laptop for school, but will that be enough? I am considering just buying a new laptop once this one gets too old, so is there any reason whatsoever for me to get a desktop?
@Sandstorm the question of portability should only be applied to people who travel frequently. If you are buying this PC for gaming and you don't find yourself travelling often, definitely go with the desktop with no hesitation.

Gaming laptops generally last a year before getting much slower, this is probably because of how bad the airflow is in the laptops. Laptop components are also weaker when compared to those of desktops. I've bought a gaming laptop, a GE70 0ND-033US, biggest regret ever, it couldn't even play BF4 smoothly on medium when I first got it (it was $1000), and struggled to play BF4 smoothly on low after a year of continuous use. Just the other month, the HDD failed. Anyway, I recently built my own desktop after doing...

I think the biggest reason of getting a desktop PC is the fact that you get much more performance for a much lower price. The only problem is that a desktop PC isn't as portible as a laptop.

Well I mostly do coding, I mess around with installing operating systems and stuff (I've wiped my laptop hard drive like ten times from screwing up), I love linux, and I occasionally game (when I do, it's games like Portal, Minecraft, TF2, and other games along those lines).

Well getting a desktop is so much better for gaming. Does your high school require laptops?
if youre only going to use it for school than no you really dont need one. if youre going to game, anything related to heavy video/photo editing, etc. then yes by all means get one.

I'm not sure that they require laptops but I know for a fact it would be more than helpful to have one.
@Sandstorm the question of portability should only be applied to people who travel frequently. If you are buying this PC for gaming and you don't find yourself travelling often, definitely go with the desktop with no hesitation.

Gaming laptops generally last a year before getting much slower, this is probably because of how bad the airflow is in the laptops. Laptop components are also weaker when compared to those of desktops. I've bought a gaming laptop, a GE70 0ND-033US, biggest regret ever, it couldn't even play BF4 smoothly on medium when I first got it (it was $1000), and struggled to play BF4 smoothly on low after a year of continuous use. Just the other month, the HDD failed. Anyway, I recently built my own desktop after doing like 3 week of non stop research, it came up $1100 including monitor and I can run BF4 on Ultra 1080p 16x AF at 90 FPS. Incredible difference, pretty much the same price.