Should I get a HD 6870+800W PSU or 650 TI Boost?


Nov 15, 2013
So, the place where I was going to buy the HD 6870 was offering a 800W PSU with it, but I saw they had a GTX 650 Ti boost for 150$.
So do I buy the HD 6870+PSU for 170$ or the GTX 650 TI Boost for 150?
I would say the GTX 650 Ti Boost, because it has 2GB GDDR5 memory whereas the 6870 only has one. Plus, the 800W power supply is so much overkill, I run a 770 with an FX-6350 with a 650W one and have no issues. If I were you, I would get the 650 Ti Boost and when you have enough cash SLI that with another.

That power supply isn't bad, but it is so much overkill for you. I would still go with the 650 Ti Boost, as it beats out a plain 660. If it is a 660 Ti though, get the 660 Ti. Here's the order: 650<650 Ti < 660 < 650 Ti Boost < 660 Ti

Thats still overkill. The only way it isn't overkill is if you are going to use SLI or CrossFire, and even then you only need 750W. Besides. That power supply is only 80+, you want at least 80+ Bronze