Should I get a new cooler?


Sep 29, 2017
So I was playing PUBG and my system kept crashing with a no signal message on my monitor and thought it was my gpu but it wasnt as the temps didnt go over 86 c. Then i looked at my cpu temps and saw then at 67-75c on my i5 6400. I look at my cpu cooler (which is a AIO) and I look at the fan. I noticed that my fan isnt even running, which is odd considering my temps that im getting. So I take the fan out and it doesn't want to spin even if I try spinning it manually, I took it apart and find rust. Im not sure if this is something that happens with AIO cooler and I want to know if I should just swap to a air cooler, or just swap the fan.
Swap the fan. If the aio was leaking you'd know it. As is, there's many reasons why a fan can fail, the fact you have rust just means the pc is subject to condensation/humidity and there was no grease left on the bearings or you have a fluid dynamic type fan, it wore out and rusted. It happens, not frequently but it happens.

With an i5-6400, you won't need much in the way of cooling, so most budget air coolers would also work, such as the Cryorig m9i, a fantastic cooler for its size, and @$20, or even upto it's big brother the Cryorig H7, gammax 400, hyper212 etc. Most are less than @$35, which isn't that much more than the price of a decent fan.
Swap the fan. If the aio was leaking you'd know it. As is, there's many reasons why a fan can fail, the fact you have rust just means the pc is subject to condensation/humidity and there was no grease left on the bearings or you have a fluid dynamic type fan, it wore out and rusted. It happens, not frequently but it happens.

With an i5-6400, you won't need much in the way of cooling, so most budget air coolers would also work, such as the Cryorig m9i, a fantastic cooler for its size, and @$20, or even upto it's big brother the Cryorig H7, gammax 400, hyper212 etc. Most are less than @$35, which isn't that much more than the price of a decent fan.

Okay thank you for the information. It makes sense considering the fan lasted me almost 2 years. I just ordered some thermal take fans!