Should I get an SSD, or upgrade my RAM?


Feb 14, 2016
I currently have 8GB of RAM and, due to stuttering in some games/high pagefile usage/high memory usage etc etc etc. - I'd like to upgrade to 16GB or RAM as this will hopefully fix all my issues.

I'd also like to get an SSD, though - since I only have 2 HDD's at this moment and windows doesn't run as fast as I'd like. Some programs take 30~ seconds to open, which isn't bad, but it is annoying.

However, I only have the money to do one upgrade at the moment. If I do one upgrade, the other option will have to wait for about a month or so.

What do you all recommend I should upgrade to first? What upgrade do you think is more worth it?

The SSD might actually help with both issues because memory usage above what the RAM can handle is off-loaded to the hard drive. Since SSDs are much faster than HDDs, it might lessen the frequency and intensity of the stuttering while vastly improving load times. If the games are unplayable, then get RAM. If the stuttering is annoying but not game breaking, then I would get the SSD.
The SSD might actually help with both issues because memory usage above what the RAM can handle is off-loaded to the hard drive. Since SSDs are much faster than HDDs, it might lessen the frequency and intensity of the stuttering while vastly improving load times. If the games are unplayable, then get RAM. If the stuttering is annoying but not game breaking, then I would get the SSD.

SSD's have gotten a LOT better in the lifespan thing.

My 3 main systems are all SSD only, so....the pagefile IS on an SSD. No evidence of "shortened lifespan", in several years of SSD use.