Should I get Battlefield 3 or Wait


Jul 3, 2013
Hi, Im a big gamer and quite new at pc gaming, I got my comptuer built right after christmas of this year (2013) and haven't had a monitor for it until just this month. Im really proud of everything, but beside the point ive budgeted $700 for the ps4/one (haven't decided (leaning ps4)) ive made about $1000 this summer, and will prolly work this fall and get like $300ish 16btw if u thot $1000 in one summer is pretty bad. I saw that bf3 is only $10 and I really want it, but if i start blowing my money away then i won't have anything left (keep in mind that i still have a social life). I know $10 bux is nothing really, but i could use it to get a heatsink, have a subpar night out with friends, and could do some other things too, I will be getting bf4, but idk what im getting at.

Beside the point i have bf3 for xbox so its not like i need this, i wanna get the premium for $20 yes or no is it worth it to get premium over the standard bf3?

And, is bf3 that much better on pc?

or should i just hold on and get better things for my pc while i wait for bf4

Computer Specs

AMD 5400k @4.0Ghz (stock heatsink) (Upgrade)
Soon to be 7770 (rma'd)
a55 fm2 mobo (Upgradeish?)
160GB hd (prolly use xbox 320GB drive after next gen console)
no cd drive (prolly wont get one)
cx430w psu corsair (Prolly should upgrade if i get amd 6 core)
4GB 2133mhz ram (upgrade to like 1600mhz 8gigs)


Okay, I think ill go with premium just so i can go against the best :) any idea how big the file would be to download? I know its like 4-5gigs on xbox along with a 3 gig update...I need to know cuz my bandwith is only 3Mbps if no ones on, and i have like 20 gigs left on a hd...

Lol, you have to download the entire game for PC, there is no disc. The total download with all the DLC is like 25 GB.

Got it 😀 had to download for 2 straight days..but i got it...deleted 3 other games though...