Should I get Battlefield 3? PLEASE answer PLEASE


May 24, 2012
hello guys, So I've been a console game for a while now but I recently switched to PC. I used to have Battlefield 3 on PS3 and I loved it. I'm now looking to buy it on PC. My PROBLEM is with ORIGIN.

I'm really not sure if I should buy the game because of origin. I dont care if origin is a copy of steam, my issue is with privacy. Lots of forums and people are saying the agreement involves privacy invasion, that it would scan my entire HDD and system. SO, lets say for example you download pirated files, pirated things NOT EA related will EA report you to the police and get you sued or jailed for? thats my only concern. (not saying that I download pirated fiels :whistle: )

My question is if you have downloaded pirated stuff and you have Battlefield 3 did you get reported or will you get reported if so?

Sorry guys if it seems like a dumb question but I like to keep a clean reputation when it comes to the law.


Jul 21, 2011

That is def not a dumb question, as a owner of BF3 on both PS3 and PC i really do prefer the PC version for starters. Secondly i moniter my ports and my WAN / LAN frequently like a hawk and with the way NAT is setup on your router they cant scan past your public IP without the help of your ISP or some really advanced software wich they would need to specificly sniff for packets in you LAN it would not be hard for even windows firewall to detect this let alone the fact 99.9 % of all your private ports are masked or closed. Ok i am getting off topic sorry, I also torrent alot using Torrentz as my search and uTorrent as my software. I have been in trouble 2 times for illegaly downloading and one thing i can say is dont worry about it that much when and if you get caught theres nothing thet can do to you unless damages are in the millions then they might be able to pin something. Other than all that i do enjoy BF3 even if orgin is still really in beta it will get better and its EA were talking about there not going to spy one people in the open it would hurt there rep way to much. Enjoy your PC BF3 :)


Jun 9, 2012
Lol, I'm sure the local police has better things to do then catching internet trolls who pirate stuff. Don't believe all the crap you hear about the police putting you in jail and letting you pay 200,000 dollar fines. But let's get to the point, buying BF3 is up to you, don't listen what other people say about the game, whether it's bad or good. The decision is up to you. If it feels like a good game to you, go ahead and buy it.


Jun 2, 2012

>> Internet trolls who pirate stuff
>> No
yeah i found that funny 2...
because the latest poll suggests america has only 10% piracy problem while the rest of the world is at 80+%
thats why every 1 else is a troll... there government has told em that every 1 in the world is pirating american goods causing the world wide recession. which in turn is causing the american jobs market to crumble... and they eat it up like everything else there spoon fed.
they conveniently paper over the fact it was American banks the lead the charge in robbing the world of its wealth leaving the rest of us to pick through the ruins of our economies... in Birmingham Alabama they pay $3.15 for a gallon of petrol while in Birmingham England they are paying nearly £7 per gallon thats $10+ in their money. yet they accuse us of stealing from them :lol: