johnfergo1874 :
gussrtk :
honestly.. the 9590 is not that much faster.. and really not worth th emoney... Try make do with what you've got till you can upgrade the whole rig... maybe you could OC it by any chance?
i have it at 4.5ghz and cant make it any faster i guess i will just save up and get one of the new ryzen 5 cpus a new gpu etc
i was talking strictly within your choices. but if your current CPU cant do much more.. then there really is not much reason to ge tthe 9xxx AMD (unless it's 15$ or so).
I would personally suggest for you to go intel. This is because a lot of games work better with faster frequency processors, and by the time you will be upgrading, most likely the H3xx motherboads will be out. You could even get an i3-8th gen for that matter (4 core). Of course AMD offers good Price/perofmrance but they are hardly anything to opt for in gaming situations, Intel rules that spectrum, AMD is a better workstation CPU (but, no, I am not ruling out gaming, it's just a general suggestion)