I've been doing my share of research. It seems that more people have the 980 ti beating the 1070 vs the other way around. Even though it's just by a few frames. If I can get a 980 ti cheaper than a 1070. Should I do it? Need some opinions.
I went with the 980ti myself because I could get it cheaper, a lot cheaper, than the 1070. As it stands the 1070 is just barely better than the 980 Ti so if you want to save money the Ti is a good choice since the trade off is just a few FPS at most.
I went with the 980ti myself because I could get it cheaper, a lot cheaper, than the 1070. As it stands the 1070 is just barely better than the 980 Ti so if you want to save money the Ti is a good choice since the trade off is just a few FPS at most.
Depends of the difference in money. For example: In my country (Argentina) The 980 (NON TI) currently is 10250 Pesos, when the GTX 1070 Gigabyte G1 Gaming (Cheapest) at 10090 Pesos.
There is no way i would pick the 980 in my example.
Not only can I get it cheaper. It's seems the 980 ti beats the 1070 most of the time. The after market 980 ti's seem to beat most of the aftermarket 1070's.