Should I get the AMD FX 6300 or the i5 4460 for streaming with GTX 970


Dec 17, 2013
Hello, I have recently been considering purchasing a new computer and I enjoy streaming even if you don't get the viewers, it is something fun to do with friends. The two processors I am considering are the FX 6300 or the i5 4460, there is a price difference and I am on quite a budget and I am definitely gonna stick with the GTX 970, any suggestions on what to get?
Thank you :)
If you can manage to get the i5 I would go for that as the upgrade path is much better than the 6300. This is coming from someone that has everything AMD in their house for the las 5 years except for my main rig. I do want to support AMD as much as possible but I cant recommend to you to use the 6300 if you want to be able to put a better cpu in later for a cheap performance upgrade.

The 6300 will do just fine so if your budget is limited and you dont really care to upgrade later, the 6300 is fine as well.
If you can manage to get the i5 I would go for that as the upgrade path is much better than the 6300. This is coming from someone that has everything AMD in their house for the las 5 years except for my main rig. I do want to support AMD as much as possible but I cant recommend to you to use the 6300 if you want to be able to put a better cpu in later for a cheap performance upgrade.

The 6300 will do just fine so if your budget is limited and you dont really care to upgrade later, the 6300 is fine as well.
Well the I5 is MUCH better. Especially with a gpu as powerful as the gtx 970 there is no question, choose the I5. You can see this confirmed if you google for I5 4690k (has more reviews which often include the 4460 too) review or fx 6300 review.

Alright answers my question nicely, I'll most likely end up saving up slightly more to get the i5