Should i get the GTX 690/ TITAN or Crossfire 7970s?


Mar 6, 2013
I'm building a new gaming rig, I will be using an intel processor (probably the 3970x), water cooled, with 4X4GB of RAM, and a 2560x1440 monitor. Since I'm water cooling I will do a bit of overclocking. My biggest battle now is whether to buy a GTX TITAN or 690. Which is better for a single monitor gaming setup, and other GPU intensive applications like amatuer 3D modeling? Also for the same price I can also crossfire 7970s, which may or may not be a better choice. Thanks! 😀
Either the 7970's or the 690 depending on your needs for max game perf while titan is the best for modelling IMO
2x7970's can be had for about $800 while the 690 and titan are at $1k ish

For 1080p pretty much any of the setups would be more than enough and very little noticeable difference


With a singel screen, no more than 2-3gbVram will be used. Leaving 3-4GB of unused Vram on Titan.
Thats a good way to spend your money and not be able to use it -.-
The 690 Will give you better performance its a stronger card than titan, though it has 2gb which may be a little low for some games.
Now the 7970 With 3GB CF both performs better and has enough vram for everygame on a singel monitor.

The problems with micro stuttering and drivers are very small and well worth it.

Your pretty much saying what i said and i agree whats most important is the performacne of the Titan vs 7970's or 690
And the 7970's performance is better.
Though as you said theres a problem with not every game supporting it.
Now its not that bad as most newer games support CFX. And that older games that dosn't, will run maxed out with out CFX on a singel 7970.
Hers a list of some supported unsupported games.

As for my Vram argument i was just saying that spending so much money on a product that has more than what you can use i stupid.