Should I get the Intel Core i7-4790 or the Intel Core i7-4770K?


May 4, 2014
I just placed an order for the 4770K about 40 minutes ago but quickly canceled it when I found out the 4790 launched. Now I know very little about CPUs so I'd figured I'd ask: which should I get?
I'd rather not wait for another series and money really isn't a problem. The rest of my PC is high-end so I know I wont have any problems w/ compatibility. Are there any quirks that I should be worried about? There's only a $50.00 price difference so I could always just re-order the 4770K. Any help would be appreciated!
Answer, neither, wait for the K version of the 4790 which apparently boosts the standard core speed not up by just 100Mhz, but up to 4Ghz. EST early June release. I'm kinda susprised Toms Hardware hasn't done article about it yet, a little behind its competitors here...

Probably under NDA from intel.