Should I get this build?


May 15, 2016
Processor (CPU) Intel® Core™i i5-7600K (3.8GHz)
Motherboard ASUS® PRIME B250-PLUS: ATX, LG1151,
Memory (RAM) 8GB Corsair VENGEANCE DDR4 2133MHz (2 x 4GB)
Graphics Card 6GB NVIDIA GEFORCE GTX 1060 - DVI, HDMI, 3 x DP
1st Hard Disk 250GB Samsung 850 2.5" EVO SSD, SATA 6Gb/s (upto 540MB/sR | 520MB/sW)
2nd Hard Disk 1TB SATA-III 3.5" HDD, 6GB/s, 7200RPM, 32MB CACHE
Processor Cooling CoolerMaster Hyper 212X (120mm) Fan CPU Cooler

I have just asked him and he got his computer from Palicomp Ltd which is in Crewe in the UK:

His computer was around £1200 and this was after had added on a Skylake i7, Founders GTX 1060, Corsiar vs PSU and also a wifi card into the build (i recommended the i7 as he wanted to play Witcher 3). Also packaging, testing and warranty were included in the price.

He had found that it was cheaper to get the pc put together by them than to get the parts separately. I would advise you should probably get a prebuilt pc, if your worried about getting something wrong and messing up the build if you do it yourself or that you'd be responsible for fixing any issues that come up.

Also i would recommend you look into these...

I am using it mostly for gaming, I will be using a BneQ GL2450H and a Dell P2414H.
I am buying this pc from pc specialist for £1040.

Well the PSU is the weakest link in the build but overall but its not terrible in any way shape or form.

The Nvidia GPU is very good, my Dad has the same card in his prebuilt pc (not a PC Specialist one) and he has had no issues with it while playing Witcher 3 and the all the Fallout games at 1080p maxed.

Also what OS does it have?

Any reviews?

I have looked up the parts and its way cheaper to build it yourself which isn't hard at all, you mostly just use Youtube to find out how to install each component and use the manuals. Thou as you didn't specify the OS so i have missed that out thou it could be anywhere from £50-£100 depending on the seller.

Built list:
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel - Core i5-7600K 3.8GHz Quad-Core Processor (£209.99 @ Aria PC)
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master - Hyper 212X 82.9 CFM CPU Cooler
Motherboard: Asus - PRIME B250-PLUS ATX LGA1151 Motherboard (£80.39 @ BT Shop)
Memory: Corsair - 8GB (1 x 8GB) DDR4-2133 Memory (£59.99 @ Amazon UK)
Storage: Samsung - 850 EVO-Series 250GB 2.5" Solid State Drive (£84.97 @ Amazon UK)
Storage: Western Digital - Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive (£39.95 @ Aria PC)
Video Card: NVIDIA - GeForce GTX 1060 6GB 6GB Founders Edition Video Card
Case: Inwin - 703 BLACK ATX Mid Tower Case
Power Supply: Corsair - VS 650W ATX Power Supply
Total: £475.29
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2017-07-10 01:48 BST+0100##

Most of the parts aren't showing prices on part picker but i know the case is around £58, GPU is around the £500-590 and the PSU is around £50.

Of course thou if you buy each part separably and one part fails it will just be a pain as it takes time to return (in so you cant use your system) but if you get it built by PC-Specialist and anything goes wrong you can sent it back to them for repairs free of charge... the +£200ish quid is to pay for the builders time putting it together and testing it for you (it what most call premium costs)

Its your hard earned cash so think on it.

It is windows 10. There are no reviews because it is a customized pc. Last time I built a PC, there was a problem with the motherboard so i had to get a new one and then the new one has began to fail now which is why i think i might go for a pre built. Where did your dad get his pre built from?

Thanks for the advice.
I have just asked him and he got his computer from Palicomp Ltd which is in Crewe in the UK:

His computer was around £1200 and this was after had added on a Skylake i7, Founders GTX 1060, Corsiar vs PSU and also a wifi card into the build (i recommended the i7 as he wanted to play Witcher 3). Also packaging, testing and warranty were included in the price.

He had found that it was cheaper to get the pc put together by them than to get the parts separately. I would advise you should probably get a prebuilt pc, if your worried about getting something wrong and messing up the build if you do it yourself or that you'd be responsible for fixing any issues that come up.

Also i would recommend you look into these two places as well:
Scan Computers Ltd which is based in Bolton -
Aria computers which is based in Manchester -