Should I get two gtx 760 or one gtx 780

I agree fully with babernet_1. The way is to start with the best single card you can afford and shift to sli later down the road when you need the extra performance. No matter what route you go, if you are going for a bit of future-proofing, absolutely get the larger memory amounts for the 760's, which might shift your focus on cards since the 760 4gb cards are quite a bit more than the 2gb cards. With some of the more complex FPS games getting into massive texture packs, you'll really need the 3gb on the 780 or 4gb 760 versions to play at the qualities that such powerful hardware and monitor setups justify.

The two gtx 760s do have better performance by far are you still sure the one gtx 780 is the way forward

another thing I am running three 1920 by 1080 monitors

Three monitors. Yes, you will need more RAM. 3GB min, 4GB is better. I'd consider the R9 290 with its 4GB of RAM. I've heard of people unlocking these to make them R9 290X's.

Either way, with triple monitors, you will need some serious graphics power.
I agree fully with babernet_1. The way is to start with the best single card you can afford and shift to sli later down the road when you need the extra performance. No matter what route you go, if you are going for a bit of future-proofing, absolutely get the larger memory amounts for the 760's, which might shift your focus on cards since the 760 4gb cards are quite a bit more than the 2gb cards. With some of the more complex FPS games getting into massive texture packs, you'll really need the 3gb on the 780 or 4gb 760 versions to play at the qualities that such powerful hardware and monitor setups justify.

I was looking at the amd r9 290x and then I found out how loud it was