Should I get WIN 8 or WIN 7 ????


Jul 29, 2013
I am about to purchase either WINDOWS 8 or WINDOWS 7 for my PC build that I am about to put together I was hoping to gain some insight into why I should get one vs the other. I currently have Win 7 on my laptop and love it but I have yet to use WIN 8 so thus being my problem. All suggestions welcome Thanks in advance
the system builder version of windows 8 licensing was changed and allows the transferal of the product key between different systems as long as it is only registered and installed on one system at a time, you just do not get any technical support from Microsoft like the retail versions.
The best analogy I can give about Windows 8, is that it's like having a leg amputated.

It's a pain in the fuckin' arse but you get used to it after a while.

I upgraded to 8 the day it was released and I can say I'm fairly satisfied, there's a few changes for the good and a few changes for the bad (I think we all know those).

You can download W8, or W8.1 and put it into virtual machine and test it. If you like it, then buy it. But, in my opinion W8 is created for touch screen, not for classical desktop. I'm also using W8 bcause of my job, but W7 is much better for my need and requests.
go to a computer store, find a computer with windows 8 on it, and play around with it. it is quite different, and a bit of a learning curve, but i personally think it is worth it. it is cheaper and is the future, whether people chose to embrace it or not.
Everyone has different opinions on this issue. I have an extensive history with both and have used windows 8 since then Dev preview. Windows 8 is my recommendation. It runs smoother and boots much faster. Windows 8.1, which is being released very soon(within a month) fixes many peoples problems(lack of start button, boot to desktop). That being said, one you're on the desktop, navigation is almost exactly the same as Win 7. Plus buying the latest OS is inherently good. I use windows 8 on both by desktop and a quite old(pre windows 8) tablet and it runs great on both. Obviously my opinion is not the same as everyone's and its more of a personal choice, but those are my reasons for going windows 8. Hope this helps!

This involves pirating software, which is illegal, not recommended and against forum rules.

i agree completely. it is a huge performance boost, and i can get twice the frame rate in halo 2 as i did on windows 7 meaning it has better gaming performance.

or download their enterprise which is free and not illegal.

microsoft has released 8.1 for free. it is a legal download as microsoft is the one giving it away, and it works until january some time.

You can legally download legal version of W8.1, I have. There is free virtual machine software. So nothing is pirated, and all is legal, so nothing is against rules.

However windows 8 cannot be. Nothing against what you said, as that may be a good idea. But it could easily be interpreted as piracy promotion.
So would this be a good deal has a deal until tomorrow right now for Microsoft Windows 8 64-bit (Full Version) - OEM which is normally 99.99 for 79.99 with a promo code???

i wouldnt get the oem version. it basically prevents any mobo upgrades in the future.

Why is that

the oem version is not meant for individuals. it is meant for companies like acer and dell to install on the pcs they sell. and they assume that if you are buying a prebuilt pc, you will not upgrade the mobo at a later stage. it has to do with the licensing. if you buy the oem version, you need to re buy it every single time you upgrade your mobo.
the system builder version of windows 8 licensing was changed and allows the transferal of the product key between different systems as long as it is only registered and installed on one system at a time, you just do not get any technical support from Microsoft like the retail versions.

yes. it turns out the only retail version you can buy is windows 8 PRO edition retail. there is no windows 8 reteil. only oem system builder.

So on the Microsoft Windows 8 64-bit (Full Version) - OEM I could transfer it as long as it was only used on 1 system correct then???

Thanks guys for the help. I truly appreciate it very much so unfortunately I can only select one answer or I would definitely give you both the solved problem answer. But thanks to the both of you. I can't wait to finish buying my remaining parts and to get this build underway. Thanks