Should I Go Back?


Feb 11, 2001
I have been using Windows Me for some time now. Its pretty good but as everyone knows, it has its faults. Is it worth it to go back to Windows 98 Se and wait until a better version of Me comes out, should I go backwards in time to an operating system from 3 years ago? From what everyone tells me, Me is just a "beefed up" version of Windows 98. I'm just trying to save a day of reformatting and reloading all my programs as I don't really have the time but if its worth it I will. Whats your opinion? For all you hardcore computer geeks, what operating system are you running? I have Windows 2000 but some of my software is incompatible with it so it's a toss up between 98 and Me.
wait for Windows XP, comes out in October

I bought a pentium once!
Everybody makes mistakes..
WinME is not that bad. The problem most people are having has to do with the PCHealth ties up resources and makes your computer sluggish. It's a pretty cool tool, but you have to manage it rather than let it manage you. You can get to it thru Settings/Control Panel/Scheduled Tasks/PCHealth Scheduler. You can temporarily disable the function by clicking on Schedule and then Advanced, click the End Date and enter todays date. The function will stop running at the end of the day.
You can turn the function back on any time by unchecking the End Date box.

Either way, reinstalling Win98 (or WinME) is no big deal, it will go easier than you expect. And you will have a clean install that will run better. When you install and uninstall programs frequently, the registry get bloated with useless entries that slow up the system, and a reinstall cleans up the mess.

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First things first.

Next time you're using your computer, turn on a audio tape recorder. When you're done on the computer, playback the tape. If you're averaging an expletive every 20 seconds, it's time to learn Linux....
win98se is what you should be using. WinXP will be a disaster in itself, so don't expect to make that change either.

<font color=red>Did you ever wonder WHY aliens only abduct idiots?</font color=red>
You'll have to re-format and reinstall though. Just unintalling winME does NOT work. It leave remnants that cause problems

<font color=red>Did you ever wonder WHY aliens only abduct idiots?</font color=red>
Well I reformatted and reloaded everything. The installation went really smooth and I'm glad that I'm not using Me anymore. Its almost like a weight had been lifted of my back. Everthing works great(so far)Thanks.
I see nothing wrong with Windows Me that can't be worked around. The only problem is its extravagent system requirements. If your system can't run it smoothly, then downgrade to Windows 98SE. If it can, then stay with it! I love it!