
May 18, 2012
Hey guys,
The last couple of days I read about CPUs/GPUs, OC and Sandy or Ivy.
Finally I decided I will go for sure with a Sandy Bridge just because I don't want to spend more money in cooling.

I decided to build a gaming Machine (1000$)

Now I am asking myself the question should i go for oc or not? I know that i would get more power out of the cpu if I would, but do I need that power?
I read already few times that gaming needs a really good GPU, not CPU. But how good does the CPU has to be?

Would you guys go with:

i5 2400 + 7870


i5 2500K(2550K) + 7850

would be great if somebody can explain the smartest thing to do.

Thanks for your help
Either would give a near equivilent gaming experience at first. The real difference is which has the ability to (possibly) stay with future demands. At first glance (and with current games) it would seem that the 1st rig may stay current longer but... with unknown future demands, the ability to ramp up your CPU may be what is needed to keep a smooth gaming experience.
I would personally go with the 2500k - perhaps not overclock it yet - but the ability to if needed is a good thing, IMO. Additionally, waiting to OC it, will give you time to read up on the methods used and research what kind of aftermarket cooling you'll find best for your needs.
Either would give a near equivilent gaming experience at first. The real difference is which has the ability to (possibly) stay with future demands. At first glance (and with current games) it would seem that the 1st rig may stay current longer but... with unknown future demands, the ability to ramp up your CPU may be what is needed to keep a smooth gaming experience.
I would personally go with the 2500k - perhaps not overclock it yet - but the ability to if needed is a good thing, IMO. Additionally, waiting to OC it, will give you time to read up on the methods used and research what kind of aftermarket cooling you'll find best for your needs.


Oct 28, 2009
well if u want a mild overclock, the i5-2400 allows you to OC upto 400MHz higher than stock...thats a more than 10% increase:) saves u the money required for the K edition, plus the money for a proper cooling fan :)

If u ask me, i wud go with option one. That i5 is fast enof for quite some time:)


May 18, 2012
Thanks for all yor answers :)
Alright, now I have two opinions, saying exactly the oppoit.
But as much as I read now a i5 2400 is fine for playing games.
So I think I go with the combo:

7870 + i5 2400

Any suggestion for Chip sets for that combo?
Should I go with
H 67 or
Z 68 or even
P 67
I would like to spend about 100-120$ on Mobo?

Thanks for all your help