Should I have 2 storage disks for a gaming pc


Aug 2, 2015
Hello all, I'm trying to make my first gaming pc build and I was wondering if I should use 2 storage disks. Is it hard to install 2 of them and why do people use 2 storages instead of just one big storage. I'm just wondering if it's worth it for a gaming build and a first time builder.
It's no harder to install one than it is two.

Some people have a small SSD for OS and important programs that loads much faster than the HDD. This means your PC will boot quickly. You then put other data such as small files and programs you don't use often on the HDD, because you don't need them to load quickly.
It is easiest to manage just one device for the os and for games.
The main reason for two drives would be if you had a requirement for more than 2gb of storage.
Hard drives larger than 2gb become more expensive, and perhaps not as fast.

If you will play a modest number of games, the best thing to do is to buy a single ssd for the os and some games.
You might hold 10 or so on a 240gb ssd.
You could go to 500gb if budget permits.
The best use for a hard drive is to store large sequential files such as videos or backups.
Defer on the hard drive initially, it is simple to add one later.
It is no harder to install a second storage device then it is to install the 1st one; it is just screwing it into the drive cage, and plugging in power and data cables.

Some people have SSD drives and so they use it for OS/Programs/Games for he much faster load times, and then use the HDD for file/media storage
Some people need a lot of storage so they have files spread across different drives by type/purpose
Some people just use a second hard drive as a backup. This is always a good practice anyways. You can backup just your files, or create a "snapshot" of the entire hard drive (this is called a disk image) and then you can restore this image if the hard drive dies or windows gets infected/corrupted.