Any will work, performance is appropriate to the price I.e. the 2400/11 is the best here 1866/9 second best and 2133/11 would be the lowest performance overall
Any will work, performance is appropriate to the price I.e. the 2400/11 is the best here 1866/9 second best and 2133/11 would be the lowest performance overall
CL is how long it takes to do something basically or to start a new action if all were running at 1866 the 2133 sticks would be at 10 and the 2400 sticks at 9, so less time to get going for 1866 or 2400 over the 2133 set
CL is how long it takes to do something basically or to start a new action if all were running at 1866 the 2133 sticks would be at 10 and the 2400 sticks at 9, so less time to get going for 1866 or 2400 over the 2133 set
The 2400 sticks are running at CL11, the 1866 at CL9,