Should I / Is it Hard To Mod This Mini ITX case for 200mm fans?


Jun 10, 2015

First of all, this is my first (gaming) PC build, thanks for the help, I have never modded a case, but it sounds pretty cool, and for this $50 case, I thought, "why not"?

Also, is using this described 200mm fan setup a good way to maximize airflow for cooling, and if so, what way should I put the fans?

How hard would it be to mod this case I'm considering (a mini ITX build, yes, I know the pros and cons of this build size) to have a 200mm fan on the front (already possible with stock case), on top, on the bottom (would this improve airflow? At the worst it will blow air against the PSU).

I plan to use the case without any side panels or use 2 clear windowed panels and otherwise stock case setup r (leaning toward the no-panel setup for slight cooling performance improvement and the swaginess of having a no-side panel PC, and I don't care too much about sound levels, since I won't be gaming too often with this).

I've read about how to get dust out of a PC, it doesn't sound that hard.

I want to use 200mm fans because they look great in my opinion, are they good for air cooling?

Here's the fan(s) I'll use:

See this reference image:

Here is roughly what I want my build to look like: (this is a gaming build).

I will be using an i5 4690K well-overclocked for maximum performance (this will generate a lot of heat). Yes, my MOBO can OC well, I've read reviews about it.