Should I move to the GTX 970?(From crossfire R9 280s)


May 26, 2014
So right now I have 2 R9 280's in crossfire. I'm currently building another system that could use a graphics card. But do any of you guys think it would be worth it to drop down to a single card 970? I may SLI in the future. It would also allow me to transfer one of the cards into my other system.

The performance right now of the 2 cards has been solid. Some games definitely are better than others. But I think that next step in graphics card would definitely provide a boost. Definitely would appreciate suggestions.
For a 60 Hz Monitor the gtx 970 should be good enough for bf4...

The 970 should also give you good performance for new games such as borderlands pre-sequel.

I'm using a 780 ti for 1440p and I'm satisfied however I will probably upgrade when big Maxwell is available...

970 for its own would be as powerful as GTX 780 and for 1080p it's still a plenty of power so you can pick one now and wait until february for another. No problem here I think.
Does anyone have a chart for comparison between the crossfire 280s and the 970? Like I said the 280s do a good job on some games but you can tell that they sort of struggle on others. I'm guessing the difference isnt that far apart.

The 970 is about 5% slower than a gtx 780 ti.

If i remember right cf r9 280/7950 is roughly equivalent to a single 780 ti.

So yeah you would loose a bit of power, but it can be easily made up by overclocking thanks to the awesome headroom of a good non ref 970.


See that's pretty nice being able to do it on 1 card. I was looking at the MSI,ASUS or Zotac models. I think the first two have pretty good overclocking numbers from what I remember. It does seem like my crossfire set up has been struggling a little on Battlefield 4. I know multiplayer is CPU intensive and the rest of the components can handle that setting.

For a 60 Hz Monitor the gtx 970 should be good enough for bf4...

The 970 should also give you good performance for new games such as borderlands pre-sequel.

I'm using a 780 ti for 1440p and I'm satisfied however I will probably upgrade when big Maxwell is available...
Yep that's definitely my next game. Multiplayer on BF4 runs fine most of the time...just I can tell it's having some graphics issues when all the settings are turned up. Right now the EVGA 970 is back in stock on Newegg and I've been tempted to pull the trigger. But it looks like they are still having issues with coil whine.
I just pre ordered borderlands... The 970 will probably be better than 2x 280 because of Phys X support and Borderlands is generally better optimized for Nvidia hardware...

I suggest you get an Asus Strix, it's worth the wait if it's not in stock...