Should i pay attention to benchmarks?


Feb 8, 2014
Ok so my friend gave me his old gts 450 i looked up the specs and game play with the card and the card can handle many games on medium/high. But before i got the card i used the integrated intel hd 4600 and used to run passmark performance test benchmarks, on the intel hd 4600 i used to get 70-100+fps on the dx 10 test with the planes. On my gts 450 i get around 30-70 fps. Why does a card that beats the intel hd 4600 spec-wise get low frame rates on benchmarks did i install the drivers wrong or something.

Depends what benchmarks you're looking at and how you interpret it matters. Like this is a good benchmark:
It might depend on the game you are playing. If you are playing any modern-day game, it'll likely use over 1GB vRAM, and the Intel HD 4600 uses your computer's main RAM as its vRAM, so it theoretically has a ton of vRAM. The 450 has 1GB vRAM so anything higher usage might cause trouble.

But it should still beat 4600, the above is just one theory I have.

why does it beat the gts 450?

Since the AMD Radeon HD 6670 is much better than the Intel Hd 4600, and the 450 is better than the AMD Radeon HD 6670