Should I plug both monitors into graphics card or only one

Brett Fels-1332787

Jun 3, 2013
I have 2 monitors right now my main one is plugged into my graphics card through HDMI and my second monitor is plugged in thourgh my motherboard which is VGA and was wondering if I should unlplug the 2nd monitor from my motherboard and just have both of the monitors in the graphics card

Some setups actually disable integrated when a GPU is installed too. I've found I can't use integrated when it is plugged in.

In any case, he still must plug them both into his GPU.

Sorry. I've just realised the relevance of my input is near zero haha. :lol:

Haha no worries 😉

It won't disadvantage the GPU in any way if that is what your thinking. I've done similar before and the difference between 1080p game + extra monitor for internet and just the one 1080p game I saw was not visible at all.

So it doesnt advantage or disadvantage me either way

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