Should I replace my 890GX board with a 970?


Apr 30, 2011
I am currently running an FX-8320 on an MSI 890GXM-G65 (mATX). I recently picked up an Asus M5A97 for almost free when I got the processor. Is it worth swapping to the new board? I know the chip is technically a downgrade but will I get better overall performance from being able to OC my 8320 and dropping in some 2133 or 1866 RAM? As it stands now I can't really achieve a stable OC on the 890GXM and I am using 1333RAM

Would it be an overall downgrade even once OC'd and ram installed? Any insight would be much appreciated.

I do have the option of returning the board for a 990FX If you think its really the better option but it would be another 60-80$ I would have to spend which I could instead put towards the 2133 or 1866 RAM.

So bottom line.....Stick with 890GXM-G65 , Go with the Asus M5A97 thats in my hands, or suck up the 80$ and grab a 990fx?
I have had the processor running in the board for 8 days now. It recognizes it just fine and cpuid shows me all my cores are working at the intended factory clock speed. So yes it is supported even though MSI has not officially added it to the list, It just requires v1.3+ BIOS.