Should I RMA my new Asus HD7970 Matrix Platinum??


Nov 3, 2013
Right here are some numbers, Ive been comparing it to my HD6950 so those are here too...

HD7970 Matrix Platinum @ Stock:

Unigine Heaven (maxed out @ 1920 x 1080)

FPS: 18.4
Score: 463
Min FPS: 9.7
Max FPS: 45.7

Unigine Valleys (maxed out @1920 x 1080)

FPS: 15.1
Score: 632
Min FPS: 8.5
Max FPS: 29.5

SOME GAMES (Green= hd7970/ blue = hd6950)

Nether = 23fps/35fps
Euro Truck Sim 2 = 55fps/58fps
Minecraft = 130fps/140fps

Im using a AMD FX6100 cpu, its OC'ed @ 4.2ghz so i dont think that should be the problem(bottlenecking the GPU). Im replacing it this week with a FX6300 that ill OC to about 4.2Ghz aswell to see if that makes any difference!!

Whether the CPU is a bottleneck or not shouldnt the HD7970 still be wiping the floor with my 3-4 year old HD6950????

im at a loss here. if the replacement CPU doesnt drastically improve these numbers(which i really dont think it will), I think my only choice is to RMA this piece of junk!! lol
Something's completely off here..

Have you tried monitoring via. the gputweak tool..?

Important things to keep an eye on: GPU temperature, Memory temperature, Power temperature, Fan Speeds, gpu frequency.

If the temperature is too high on either the GPU, memory or VRM, the GPU will start to throttle and crank its clockspeed down to a safe state.