This next Christmas I plan to get a i7-6700K or a i7-4790K (I Currently have a AMD FX-9590 which i am not pleased with - I should have done more research to find out it only performed as well as a i5) My Question is: should i go with an i7-6700K and use my DDR3 at 1.35(or 1.4) Volts or Should I get a i7-4790K and be able to run my memory at Standard 1.5 Volts?
(Also are there any Downsides to Running My DDR3 Memory at 1.35 Volts?)
Update 1: In my Bios of my current setup i tried running my memory at 1.35 volts vs. it's auto setting of 1.6 volts needless to say my memory has been working fine as long as I kept the memory clock rate on auto so it could fluctuate between 800-1600 depending on low voltage drawbacks this does mean that my memory will sometimes run slower but I'm ok with that as i still get good FPS in games and my render times are about the same
(Also are there any Downsides to Running My DDR3 Memory at 1.35 Volts?)
Update 1: In my Bios of my current setup i tried running my memory at 1.35 volts vs. it's auto setting of 1.6 volts needless to say my memory has been working fine as long as I kept the memory clock rate on auto so it could fluctuate between 800-1600 depending on low voltage drawbacks this does mean that my memory will sometimes run slower but I'm ok with that as i still get good FPS in games and my render times are about the same