[SOLVED] Should i sell my mac and get a hackintosh?

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Aug 13, 2014
I have a mac mini mid 2011, i can get about 350$ off of it on eBay or craigslist. Is it worth it to sell the mini and get a hackintosh? My mac mini is the base line mid 2011, which is an i5 2.3GHZ w/ intel hd 3000 graphics. 8GB of ram and 500gb of storage. The hackintosh i could build is a i3, 8GB of ram, 500GB, with a GT640. Which one is better? I edit video and use 2 monitors, and the mini just can't keep up with my needs. Is it worth it or not? Any help is appreciated thanks.
You also have the problem that once you no longer own a Mac you won't be legally entitled to run a copy of OS X (whether you see that as a problem or not is up to you but, as far as giving advice on this site is concerned it's a show-stopper). If you must stick with OS X then sell the Mini and buy a more powerful Mac.

yeah but the graphics are just killing it, and plug the i5 in the mini is dual core anyway so i figure there would be no difference between a sandy bridge i5 and a hassle i3. Thanks though

I agree with the i5 instead of the i3 but like i said to mchenryb the i5 is sandy bridge (dual core) while the i3 is haswell and has a higher CPUBoss score. Plus the graphics are just horrible on the mini unfortunately, I'm running into so much lag that even launchpad won't open up smoothly. (Im using ScreenFlow for somethings, then i use final cut to just edit a bit more) Thanks for your help!

You also have the problem that once you no longer own a Mac you won't be legally entitled to run a copy of OS X (whether you see that as a problem or not is up to you but, as far as giving advice on this site is concerned it's a show-stopper). If you must stick with OS X then sell the Mini and buy a more powerful Mac.
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