Should i sell my pc and then buy new parts after zen comes out?


Nov 8, 2014
Hi i have i5 4690k and gtx 1070 should i upgrade or not? i want to sell my old one before upgrade. I clocked it to 4.6ghz is it still a bottleneck for 1070?

Yeah I agree completely here. Plus the only CPU that we know of so far is the highest end offering - which AMD is releasing to compete with the 6850K, and that will set you back at minimum $550. That's not even including a decent motherboard and RAM.

Sorry but you already have more than enough machine to handle things for quite a while. I don't see a reason...
if you are planning to upgrade to zen , wait for the release and the benchmarks from 3rd party before you go for it ...

upgrading to i7 may cost less than upgrading to zen + am4 motherboard ... wait till the price are announced ....
Why would you think all the sudden AMD can compete? Every time AMD relases something new "this will be the thing that will make it so AMD can compete with Intel or Nvidia".... It just isn't going to happen. Truth be told, even if AMD releases something that can compete with chips that or already out, guess what Intel has stuff that is already slated to be released too.

Sorry but you already have more than enough machine to handle things for quite a while. I don't see a reason to sell anything. Upgrading now may get you a 20-25% gain if you are a lucky. Thats if you go wtih one of the high end known Intel platforms. Right now basically nothing is known about the Zen platform.

We've heard this before from AMD, just saying. Until I see benchmarks to backup all these performance claims, I'm not going to get all excited. Not to mention, you can guarantee, if AMD releases something crazy, Intel will release something as well.
Lets assume for a moment AMD does release something "crazy" It'll take Intel till almost next fall to release anything to counter it. But based on the information AMD has already released, assuming its true and accurate (which is a big assumption with AMD) then we're not looking at something crazy. Instead we'll be looking at a enthusiast 8 Core / 16 thread CPU. The best we can hope for is a price war if AMD's Ryzen is as good as AMD says it is.
Excatly thats the reason i want to sell my parts , you see my haswell is 2 years old now but next year it will be 3 gens behind and wont be worth as much anymore so maybe it is worth selling it before zen and intel new gen come out

Yeah I agree completely here. Plus the only CPU that we know of so far is the highest end offering - which AMD is releasing to compete with the 6850K, and that will set you back at minimum $550. That's not even including a decent motherboard and RAM.

Sorry but you already have more than enough machine to handle things for quite a while. I don't see a reason to sell anything. Upgrading now may get you a 20-25% gain if you are a lucky. Thats if you go wtih one of the high end known Intel platforms. Right now basically nothing is known about the Zen platform.

I'm really interested to see what they're going to release to compete with the 6600K and 6700K. Right now AMD has nothing even remotely close that can compete with those two CPUs, which is why they are so popular. I agree that there isn't really much of a reason to sell an existing system for a small performance gain. I think Zen is getting a lot of overhype. When AMD releases something that can compete with Skylake then I will believe the rumors. Until then they're just that - rumors.