Should I Stay With My Computer Or Upgrade?


Jan 11, 2015
This Is My Computer I Have Now Should I Just Upgrade The Processor To the i7 4790k Or Upgrade Entirely To This Build Which Have Some Parts From My Old Build Thanks For Taking The Time To Read This And Your Opinions.
It depends on what you are using it for. The 4790k is not much of an upgrade over the 4690k for pretty much any application except things like file compression, rendering and editing. For gaming, it isn't going to give much if any improvement at all. Almost everything else will be exactly the same. The same goes for a 5820k. If it was me, I'd stick with what you have and wait at least another generation or two to upgrade.
It depends on what you are using it for. The 4790k is not much of an upgrade over the 4690k for pretty much any application except things like file compression, rendering and editing. For gaming, it isn't going to give much if any improvement at all. Almost everything else will be exactly the same. The same goes for a 5820k. If it was me, I'd stick with what you have and wait at least another generation or two to upgrade.

Its Just For Gaming.

That is still a great, fairly high end PC for gaming in 1080p and 1440p. But, if you want to future proof and you have the money to spend on an i7, you could put money in a better GPU. The 970 is great and should serve you well for a long time but there are better options and that is probably the only part on your PC that I would change. Everything else is about as good as it gets for PC gaming. And to prove my point about how good the 970 is, you really only have a few options above it, namely the 980/980ti and Fury series. You can still get around $275 if you sold your GTX 970 tomorrow. That means you would only have to spend another $300 (or a little under an i7) to step up to a 980ti or Fury X. A 390/390x isn't going to be a significant upgrade over it so it isn't worth it IMO. Also, I believe your motherboard is not SLI compatible so a 2nd 970 isn't going to work. If you get a new motherboard, you might as well get a whole new platform at that point with DDR4. So, I think your best options as of right now is a single GPU swap between either the 980ti or Fury X. Even then, if it was me, I'd also wait for another generation or two of GPUs to be released. I'm not a big fan of upgrading within a generation/architecture. I either buy the best one or live with the one I have until a new architecture comes out. Unless, of course, we are talking about going from a GTX 750 to a 980ti or something. Your CPU and motherboard will last much longer than the 970. You'll probably upgrade your GPU 2 or 3 times before you absolutely need to upgrade them.