Should I try Dragon Age? Which one?


Nov 19, 2011
Hey there. I've always been an RPG fan but I never tried any of the Dragon Age games, because they all came out during a time when I wasn't playing much.

I've been reading many reviews about the 3 games but I'm still not sure which one I should try first. Some people seem to love the first and hate the second, some people seem to prefer's quite confusing.

I loved Witcher 2 immensely and also all the Mass Effect games. Skyrim was good but I personally missed a better storyline and more interesting characters. Skyrim had a very lonely vibe to it, in my opinion.

And why is that? I heard that Dragon Age 2 has a better storyline and NPC interaction system, not sure it's true though.

Dragon Age: Origins is a great game. The expansion, Dragon Age: Origins Awakening is also good, but is an expansion. It is not as big, and doesn't have as much personal conversations like the 1st one. The new skill and spell lines are pretty powerful, if not over powered. Play the first one first, then play the expansion if you liked it a lot.

Dragon Age 2 is different. It isn't quite as good looking, though still decent. The combat and skill trees are good and I personally think they are better over all, though mages will feel weak compared to Origins, which were OP. Dragon Age 2's biggest problems are cosmetic. So many of the zones are repeats of other zones with different hallways blocked off. The inventory graphics are pretty much one icon for all same type of item and your companions cannot use armor, they just get some upgrade tokens.

I find Dragon Age 2 to be a lot of fun, as long as I haven't played Origins within a few months of it. It is just annoying if you played Origins recently with all the shortcuts done on the cosmetics of the game. However, it is still a good game.
I just found Dragon Age: Origins, to be a more interesting game. It's been a while since I've played either (I beat them both when they first came out), but while playing the second one I was not as impressed as I was with the first.

The one aspect that #2 had done better was the combat.