Should I turn V-sync on with G-Sync ?


Sep 5, 2013
I am using GTX1080 with a 144hz G-Sync monitor.

Am I getting this right ?

With G-Sync and V-Sync both on : The fps counter won't go above 144, if frames exceed 144 V-Sync will eliminate tearing...If frames are less than 144 G-Sync will eliminate stuttering.

With G-Sync on but V-Sync off : The fps counter might go above 144 depending on GPU performance, if frames exceed 144 then screen tearing will occur, if frames are less than 144 G-Sync will take over and will eliminate stuttering ...

Also , If I should turn V-Sync on, which V-Sync mode should I turn on ? normal, adaptive or fast ?

I have that same monitor but I usually play borderless windowed because I have a second monitor and I like to be able to move my mouse to the other monitor freely. I play with vsync off almost all the time. Yes tearing is possible if you get more than 144Hz but it's not as noticeable when refresh rates are that high. If you are getting noticeable tearing in a game above 144 FPS just turn on vsync for that particular game.

If you have a G-sync display and an Nvidia graphics card that supports the feature, you should not turn on v-sync.

If you have a G-sync display, it must be connected by Display Port for the feature to be enabled.

Also, I think that the game must be in full screen mode (not windowed full screen), in order for g-sync feature to be enabled.
In theory it's working like that, but based on a particular game, sometimes it'll better to leave v-sync disabled,

In part of v-sync type I believe fast v-sync should be used in multiplayer, because of v-sync increases input lag that wouldn't bother you in single player but in multiplayer.

Adaptive v-sync at high framerates is enabled to eliminate tearing and at low frame rates it's disabled to minimize stuttering, but I think G-sync would do it's work better.
I would only ever use vsync with gsync if I was getting tearing, which should only occur above your monitors refresh rate when using gsync. In any games where I was below 144fps the majority or all of the time I would disable vsync. Vsync increases input lag as said above so I would try to leave it disabled whenever possible. In games that have the option I like to use a game engine framerate cap instead of vsync in cases where I have tearing while using gsync.
knowledge2121 In my humble opinion, if your FPS is exceeding spec of your g-sync enabled display, then you're not in full screen mode and therefore not using the g-sync feature. If your display is connected by displayport and in full screen mode, the monitor will not exceed native or overclocked refresh. You should in no way be using v-sync. If you are, then you should return the display for a non-adaptive sync model and save the monetary difference.

I feel like some piece of information is missing from your original question. Would you mind stating the exact manufacturer and model of your display? What cable is connecting the display to the computer? What mode is your game in? (e.g. full screen, windowed, borderless windowed). What are the full specs of your computer, including the power supply manufacturer and model number? Please answer all of these questions, as I'd like to help you get this solved once and for all tonight. Thank you.

I own a gsync monitor and run all my games in full screen mode. Gsync does not cap the fps it works up to your monitors refresh rate however it will not cap fps like vsync will. Gsync can be used in windowed or full screen mode as well, there is an option in nvidia control panel to use gsync in fullsreen only or windowed and fullscreen.

I own an Acer Predator XB271HU, and mine does indeed cap my refresh at 165 FPS in full screen mode, but not in windowed or borderless windowed. In my mind, it makes complete sense that it would do so. I did not know that the Nvidia control panel allowed gsync in the latter two modes. Very interesting.
So you are saying that if you open up a game of BF1 with gsync enabled on that monitor with settings that will get you over 165fps and you are capped at 165? With no vsync? I have an Asus PG279Q and FPS is not capped with gsync whether in full screen mode or not. Why would that make sense? All gsync does on the surface is match the refresh rate of your monitor to that of the framerate, when you are over the refresh rate it doesn't do anything in my understanding.This guy has the same monitor as you and he says his framerate is uncapped using gsync.


I have that same monitor but I usually play borderless windowed because I have a second monitor and I like to be able to move my mouse to the other monitor freely. I play with vsync off almost all the time. Yes tearing is possible if you get more than 144Hz but it's not as noticeable when refresh rates are that high. If you are getting noticeable tearing in a game above 144 FPS just turn on vsync for that particular game.
