should I upgrade cpu?

chris AMD

Apr 8, 2014
I currently have a fx6300 clocked at 4.1ghz, r9270x graphics card and asus m5a97 r2.0 motherboard. Question is, will this cpu play next gen games coming out later this year and next? would there be any real improvement moving up to a 8 core fx chip as far as gaming? I would think most games don't use that many cores and my 6300 clocked this high could match the 8 cores chips core for core. Is my thinking correct?
There wouldnt be much of an upgrade going to the FX lineup anymore. They have weak overall cores, most games can barely use 4 cores at this point.
Also the AM3+ socket is dead in terms of upgrades. If you want performance and an upgrade path the Z97 board or X99 boards will be much better.

In short, if you plan to upgrade, go intel such as the 4690k and a Z97 board.

yeah thats what I figured. i'd have to ditch my AM3+ socket motherboard for a real cpu upgrade over what im running now. oh well, guess I'll milk the 6300 for all she has and redo my system down the road with intel or whatever amd has come out with at that point.

that 6 core should last you a while. if you work on the overclock a bit and bump it up to 4.7ghz or so (quite possible on that motherboard, though you might heed a new cpu cooler to do it) you should have a gaming experience pretty similar to a stock i5.

yeah I've only had this computer for a few months. First I've built myself. That said, not ready for new board and cpu yet..well not ready to spend the money.haha I'm thinking like you, just overclock more if needed. I currently have a evercool buffalo cpu cooler. It has only a 100mm fan and not quite as big as a cm 212. Its doing pretty well but probably not capable for more of an overclock. I'm kind of interested in a all in one closed loop water cooler. then push for 4.5+ghz. at the current 4.1ghz max volt is 1.28v but I might be able to get voltage lower than that, not sure.