Should i upgrade from a radeon 7950 to a gtx 680?


Mar 10, 2013
Hi all, so I currently have a radeon 7950 card in my machine and it is a wonderful card for what i bought it for (battlefield 3 and skyrim run on ultra settings at 60+fps) however crysis 3 and no doubt many more games in the future are going to lag terribly on this card. As it is i have to set everything on low with no anti-aliasing to get 60 fps on crysis 3, so I'm just wondering: is it worth $500 for a gtx 680? or should i wait untill the next gen of cards are out and/or the gtx titan is more affordable?. my machine can handle a gtx 680 it has i5 ivy bridge,600watt psu and 8 gigs of ram.

Any input would be greatly appreciated

Dude, no... An GTX680 would not improve it that much, rather Xfire your existing HD7950.

Your low setting makes no sense. Look at the last chart on that page. You should be going on high with those settings. Do you have the latest AMD driver 13.1 installed?,3451-5.html

You can also OC your card A LOT! THe HD7950 is great overclocker and I have very little issues running Medium to high settings in Crysis 3 on HD resolution.

EDIT : If I was not obsessed with almost constant 60FPS, I could play it at High settings.
crisis 3 wont lag on that card, if it does then you have either ridiculously high expectations, or you are wanting to turn all details to max which is not really necessary as there is hardly a noticeable visual difference in C3. I would also say wait for a C3 patch and an AMD driver update to make C3 run a lot better. Its not the cards fault, its the drivers and the way that game is coded, it is ridiculously cpu bound too, overclocking your i5 will help[.

thanks man :) now im ocing for more intensive games like bf3 and c3 aand turning it to default everything else, now i can play mid with 1x aa at 60 fps average 😉

cyrsis 3 is the new crysis 1

From a performance point of view, not so much. Did you ever try running the original Crysis at higher than medium?

Enthusiasts pumped money into quad-GPU setups to TRY and run it maxed out, it just was not possible with the hardware available at the time of the games release. Crysis 3 is not nearly as demanding.

May I ask what clocks you are OCing to? And also if you installed the latest drivers and fully removed previous drivers.