So I originally bought a custom build PC on iBuyPower roughly four years ago. The system has been very good for me but the storage and memory constraints are starting to really creep up and I can only imagine they will get worse in time.
My question is if I should invest in an upgrade *now* or wait until a later date? Both the RAM and Storage are starting to make playing modern games exceedingly more difficult. Loading times on games like Il-2 sturmovik and Warhammer III on my hard drive are rather lengthy and I often have to cycle play larger games simply to have enough space for them.
The RAM is a bigger issue. I admit, I play star citizen. But I also play Distant Worlds 2 and Galactic Civilizations IV both of which recommend 32gb of ram for larger maps. Newer games coming out also seem to increasingly recommend 32gb.
Finally. The CPU is over 4 years old but seems to mostly hold it's own still. Would it be worth upgrading just for future proofing? Or is it fine as is? If I do upgrade it, should I wait for the 9000 series?
TLDR; Should I upgrade my system now? Or wait for a little longer?
Current CPU: 3700x
GPU: 3060 ti
Mobo: ASRock B550 Pro4
Ram: 16 GB - 2 XPG Sticks
1 TB HDD Seagate Barracuda ST1000DMO10-2EP102
Cooler: Unknown Air Cooler
PSU: Unknown
Can no longer see the full spec parts for a 4 year old order it seems. The cooler was a replacement - the old water cooler failed.
My question is if I should invest in an upgrade *now* or wait until a later date? Both the RAM and Storage are starting to make playing modern games exceedingly more difficult. Loading times on games like Il-2 sturmovik and Warhammer III on my hard drive are rather lengthy and I often have to cycle play larger games simply to have enough space for them.
The RAM is a bigger issue. I admit, I play star citizen. But I also play Distant Worlds 2 and Galactic Civilizations IV both of which recommend 32gb of ram for larger maps. Newer games coming out also seem to increasingly recommend 32gb.
Finally. The CPU is over 4 years old but seems to mostly hold it's own still. Would it be worth upgrading just for future proofing? Or is it fine as is? If I do upgrade it, should I wait for the 9000 series?
TLDR; Should I upgrade my system now? Or wait for a little longer?
Current CPU: 3700x
GPU: 3060 ti
Mobo: ASRock B550 Pro4
Ram: 16 GB - 2 XPG Sticks
1 TB HDD Seagate Barracuda ST1000DMO10-2EP102
Cooler: Unknown Air Cooler
PSU: Unknown
Can no longer see the full spec parts for a 4 year old order it seems. The cooler was a replacement - the old water cooler failed.