Should i Upgrade my cpu for streaming i7 4790k


May 23, 2017
I have a i7 4790k, and while streaming im hitting 95-100% cpu usage constantly which inturn is making my game run way worse then without streaming 20-30% less fps i have no oc, should i wait for new gen of cpus or upgrade to something else

Should also state im streaming 720 60fps 5k bitrate under veryfast preset

Current specs
gtx 1080
ASRock H97 Pro4
Intel Core i7 4790K
16gb ram
64 bit windows

say i got a 1800x would it make a noticeable difference do you think or would it be better to just build a weaker pc and run a streaming pc although more expensive i guess

Your CPU should be having little to no problems with streaming, being a nice 4C/8T CPU.

What I don't see listed, though, is whether you're running 32-bit or 64-bit Windows, & how much RAM you have. I'm hoping you're running 64-bit Windows, because otherwise you're wasting that system (as it'll be limited to 4GB RAM tops). 4GB is absolute minimum to run non-gaming/non-streaming apps on 64-bit Windows with any decent performance, & 8GB is the minimum for great gaming performance...but if you're going to be streaming (especially while gaming), you'll need more. You should have at least 16GB, if not 32GB. Your motherboard can handle up to 32GB of DDR3-1600 ( A full 32GB kit (4x8GB) for your system will run just over $210 USD (, or you could get a 16GB kit (2x8GB) for about half the price (

I'm running 64 bit windows and 16gb of ram, should of added that in op thread I really don't get why I'm getting 100% usage alot of people say they can stream no with that CPU

If you have 5k upload why don't you try OBS with quicksync?
Also does this happen with every game or only some specific one?
60fps encoding sure is demanding and will be noticeable in some games but to get ~30% drop means that the game has to fill your CPU 100% when running on it's own,not many games like that out there.
It's possible that the game in question starts up with a low priority causing it to stall without reason.

Every game I've streamed it's always 80-100% usage and I tried quick sync but quality sucked
Found the issue my camera was running at running at extremely high resolution soon as I lowered it down reduced my CPU usage by 30% didn't realise it could make that much of a diffrence