Question Should I upgrade my cpu or my gpu?


Mar 18, 2019
I currently have a i7-5820 with 16gb ram and a Geforce 980 videocard.

I would like to do an upgrade but not sure if to do the cpu or the gpu.

My first thought would be to get a new mb and i9-9900 and keep my 980 graphic card.

Or keep my i7-5820 and change my video card to a 2080.

Thanks for any advice
If you can only make one of the two changes, the choice is clear. Change your GPU.
Currently you have a balanced computer and your CPU can easily service your GPU. If you substitute your CPU for a much better one you will notice only a small increase because the GPU will be a strong bottleneck.

If you change your GPU you will have only a limited CPU bottleneck (much smaller than in the previous case) and you will notice a noticeable improvement.

This would be valid for a 1080P resolution. For a 2K or 4K resolution, the choice to change the GPU would still be more justified.
The best thing to do is go to pcpartpicker and look at builds with your components or builds you may like,when you upgrade and it will give you an idea of the mb’s used etc,here’s an example of a similar build to yours

That’s if you want to add the 2080 and keep your cpu at the moment.But that’s only 2 builds But just check out pcpartpicker and see what builds there are as a guide line