Should I upgrade my GPU?


Feb 4, 2013
I currently have an AMD A8-5500 integrated graphics cpu. I have a dedicated gpu card(Msi gtx 750TI) and am wondering if should buy the AMD Quad Core A10-Series APU A10-6800K with Radeon HD 8670D. As far as I know this cpu is the best you can get for integrated graphics with a FM2 slot motherboard like mine. I am very limited because of that FM2 only. Should I upgrade? Is it worth $130
Or put an X4 860k on it ($90 at newegg) - $40 cheaper than the 6800k.

With the $40 and your 750Ti, you should be able to get say MSI R9 270-X ($140 newegg). As long as your PSU and case are OK with it.

That sounds great and all... But the gpu you mentioned needs FM2+ And my motherboard only has FM2.