Should I upgrade my GPU?


Jun 4, 2012
Hey guys,

I have had my Sapphire Hd 7850 2GB OC for a little more than three years now, and it looks like I might need to upgrade soon. I would like to be able to play the new titles such as FO4, and Battlefront at decent settings at 1080P. My budget is $200-300, But I would like to keep it closer to 200, putting me in the gtx 960 & r9 380 tier. which card would you guys recommend? I have read that the r9 380 is superior, but would love more input. Here is the rest of my build

CPU: i5 3570K
Motherboard: Z77 Extreme4
RAM: 8GB DDR3 1600 MHz
GPU: HD 7850 2GB
PSU: Seasonic M12II 620

Further, if I were to upgrade my GPU, would I be better suited waiting for the holliday sales or just buying it now?
