With games like battlefront and overwatch it's not your GPU holding you back, its your CPU a duo core CPU isn't powerful enough to run those at ultra, not everything is graphical when switching to Ultra a decent amount of those settings tend to use your CPU.
If you want to game at high - ultra settings on every game at 1080p you will need a 1060 and a better CPU, You can get a i5-4690k for about $236 this won't bottleneck at all especially if you overclock it.
And as for the SSD the only reason to get one is to improve loading times, like starting up your PC or certain games etc. It won't help your FPS in anyway and in my mind not needed in anyway, Even though I have one and I love it. It's just not needed, Like a better CPU is.
Rwanda rousey :
Lucky_SLS :
ssd only speeds up ur loading time, it doesnt affect fps. for 1080p gaming, 1060 sure is better than 1050ti
yes I heard the graphics performance is better by almost two fold. Is that true?
the 1060 has almost twice the Cuda cores as a 1050 ti, but as for version a 6gb version is a lot better than a 3gb version. Most games on Ultra nowadays use more than 3gb's of VRAM so yeah If you can get the 6gb version I would say it's a better choice.
Also what's the price difference from a 1060 6gb to a 1070 for you?