Should I upgrade or completely rebuild my PC?


Aug 16, 2016
Hello, I'll start pointing out my buget isn't really too high right now, hence why I'm asking if I should actually just upgrade a few components rather than buying a brand new PC.
I can already run a few games, which I play a lot, but most of them on the minimal settings, and there are some I'm afraid I can't even run at all without a significant performance loss.
I'd like to be able to crank some settings up to medium, high seems like a dream I cannot achieve at the moment due to a few personal priorities getting in the way. Anyways, my specs are

Intel Core i5-4460 CPU @ 3.20GHz
NVIDIA GeForce GT 640
x64 Win8 OS

Am I missing anything?
Is it worth upgrading anything? Maybe my GPU is a bit weak? Or should I just wait and buy a new PC? Do not I'm not running the newest games like battlefield, etc. I mostly play stuff like Overwatch, GTA 5, Killing Floor 2, Guild Wars 2, and I was considering Black Desert Online.
But after seeing what those games look like without the minimum settings, I kinda feel like I'm missing out on a lot of details I would otherwise see with some better specs. What do you guys think?
Thanks in advance!
Your motherboard is fine. The only unknown here that we would need to know before really deciding what you can buy is your power supply specifications. But a cheap lightweight solution like a 750Ti and RX 460 can be run on even very low-end power supplies.
Your CPU is fine for the next few years. What needs upgrading right now is your GPU. I don't know what your budget is, but something like a 750Ti or RX 460 would give you a nice performance boost for not a lot of money and you likely wouldn't need a new power supply.

Otherwise if you wanted to go bigger I'd want to know your PSU specs.
I see. I remember before hearing about people buying components which they could not use for their PC. Is there a way of knowing if I can use that? Is it related to my motherboard?
Your motherboard is fine. The only unknown here that we would need to know before really deciding what you can buy is your power supply specifications. But a cheap lightweight solution like a 750Ti and RX 460 can be run on even very low-end power supplies.