Should I upgrade to an AMD or Intel CPU?


Jul 9, 2015
I currently have an AMD Phenom II X4 945 with a Gateway DX4320 motherboard. I've been wanting to get an I5 4590 (best price for performance from what I've seen). However, I've been told my motherboard can't support it. Is it worth getting a new motherboard for an Intel processor, or is there an AMD CPU whose performance would be just as good for the price of a new motherboard and processor?
It will be used for gaming and I don't plan on overclocking. Budget is no more then $210. I'll most likely sell the Phenom.

If I have to upgrade either way I guess I'll get one that can support Intel cpus then. What are some good motherboards along the cheaper line that will work?
In my opinion, with only $210 for a CPU and motherboard upgrade, the limited performance increase you'd see is not worth the cost of the upgrade. Not to mention your Dell OS will not install on a new motherboard so you need to add an OS to your budget. Stay with what you have until you can afford the following:

Intel CPU: $225
Motherboard: $85
Case: $40
Power Supply: $60
OS: $90

Again, in my opinion, anything less than that is not worth the cost.

-Wolf sends

Really? That sounds too good to be true actually. Would that be a decent enough upgrade I wouldn't have to worry about any graphics cards getting bottlenecked? Assuming they're not the super powerful top of the line ones.


Based on the passmark score the 4590 is only about 1.2 points ahead:

The difference is you can do the AMD for $150 (and probably resell it for the same in a year) the Core i5 will cost you more since you need a new motherboard, etc. IMO if you don't buy the AMD, You should save your money and get something faster than the 4590 eventually. Follow what Wolfshadow said.

Now as for running a better GPU, I run 2 R9 280's in Crossfire on mine and have no major bottlenecking that I can tell. Would it run better with a faster processor? Of course, but I get good FPS in everything I can throw at it and still manage to pull off 9590 3D Marks in Firestrike (could probably hit 10,000 if I overclocked it).

Your concern with a different GPU is you will need a new PSU, the one thats in there is only 300 watts, its not enough. My PC with just one GPU at full tilt drew about 400 or so watts from the wall.
Realistically, the best you can expect is perhaps Sandy i5 performance in some cases, figure in the i5-2400/2500 range. Better if you overclock. Proof that the Phenoms are still very relevant and were/are better than FX chips ever were/are. The FX chips are old but Phenoms are relics. Golden idols in shrines to when AMD actually had a competitive product.
I Guess I should've said, I've upgraded my PSU. I believe it's 650 or 750 watts.

I'll have to decide what I want to do. Upgrading my motherboard seems to be getting too expensive if what Wolfshadw said is true. Overclocking is sounding better and better.

Overclocking may not be possible with that motherboard. Most likely the ability is not built into the BIOS, and as well it may (probably) not have a large enough power phase to handle the power draw.

Just something to keep in mind, generally with the Phenom you need 8+2 phase power to get any kind of speed and not have it crash, and yours is probably 4+2.

Go with the phenom11 x6. It would be a worthwhile upgrade for a decent cost.

Besides, there are people who are still looking to buy phenom x6 CPUs coz of there performance even though they are generations behind the newer CPUs.

Its a beast of a CPU and you can do very good on them. Go for it.