Should i Upgrade?


Aug 25, 2013
Hello friends!, i have a gtx 770 2GB sli setup, i would like to know your opinion if i should upgrade to the new 900 series based on the latest games requiring a huge amount of VRAM, also based on the new directx 12 that should come up in a few months, or is it better to simply wait and see what happens ?

Note that i only game at @1080p.

Thank you friends! : )
To be honest I would just wait and see as you aren't going to see massive frame rate improvements with the 900 series over your pair of 770's and as for the vRAM requirements, I think they are BS as you prevent a very large percentage of cards from actually being able to max out the game even if they have enough power to do so... The 770's also support dx 12 so you are good to go if you are using win 8/8.1 or are going to upgrade to win 10

I will say wait for more options its not like you cannot play games now you still have a very good setup 2x 770 will beat a single gtx 980 also there are news of upcoming AMD r9 300 series if you are comfortable with amd.

Plus nvidia has announced the old nvidia GPU upto fermi will have dx 12 support.
Oh, i didn't know that the current hardware would support directx 12, as for the VRAM issue, so far I've been playing shadow of mordor (the game that required 6gb of vram for ultra textures) with everything on ultra but textures on high, at an average of 80fps, with no stutter, maybe these high requirements are just extremely exaggerated.

Thanks for the awesome input guys!