Question Should I use 'AMD Ryzen High performance' or the 'Ultimate Performance' power plan?


Jul 27, 2021
I was just checking if I had selected the right power plan and I saw there were Ryzen power plans. I was confused whether I should use Ultimate performance or not. I wasn't able to find anything useful when I searched which was better for performance. I would like to know which of the power plans I should use.
I currently use Ultimate performance.

CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3600
More consistent and maybe even better framerates in games. I've seen that Ultimate performance can give a more consistent framerate than High performance.
Maybe if it were an Intel cpu...
Ryzen 3000-5000 performance is tied to thermals, power consumption, and the memory config.
Ultimate will increase power consumption, thus increase operating thermals... so 2 out of 3, I could see it not doing anything for Ryzen 3000 and up.

Balanced is best.