Should I use an SSD for my OS only?


Oct 6, 2014
So I'm building a gaming PC which is pretty high-quality (CPU: Intel i5-4690k and GPU: GTX 970) so I'm certainly aiming for performance and speed. I'm also future-proofing my machine a bit. Therefore I was wondering if I should buy a 128GB SSD ($75, a 64GB is like $10 less) for just the OS or if I should stick to putting the OS on my 1TB normal hard drive with my games. In other words, what's the benefit of using an SSD besides a faster boot up, and is it a good idea to buy it when future proofing the machine?
OS only? No. You are missing out on a lot of the benefits.
A 120GB drive can hold the OS and probably ALL your applications, apart from games.

OS and applications on the SD, games and other stuff on the HDD.