Should Obama get credit?

And whos going to give it to him, other than the media.
The current admin wants to lower corporate taxes, yey

Now, for the rest of the story, and for those die hard, large government loving, current admin tingle down their leg folks, NOT SO FAST, my friends.
He wants to also gain 250 billion dollars as well.
Underwritten, and most likely under announced by our fair and balanced media, the rest of the proposal has all comapanies making profits abroad will now be fully taxed on those profits, and again, before we get our hopes up, this may change your mind.
Apple, Intel and any other US held company makes huge profits overseas, and expect this to immensely impact the PC industry
I knew he wanted to hit retirees because that's where a large sum of money is holed up...

But decreasing corporate tax rates was a Republican idea. He will offer to lower it in order to squeeze something else through.

As OMG (haha oldmangamer) said, Corporations don't pay taxes, they pass that onto the consumer. Cost of doing business.

Holy crap, look how much extra income was generated for the government by the tax cut! People got wealthier, gov't made more money. Sounds good to me.
I think he deserved
The fat cats on Wall Street got richer to.This is the Republicans glory for the rich to get richer and the poor to suffer with the middle class.